Porters Grange Primary School & Nursery, Lancaster Gardens,
Southend on Sea, Essex, SS1 2NS
01702 468047
Part of the Portico Academy Trust.
opening doors, unlocking potential

Home Learning
Blended learning is the way in which we will be delivering our curriculum when children’s learning is interrupted by the ongoing COVID pandemic. Each school has the responsibility to ensure that children’s learning is continuous and uninterrupted. The way in which we do this at Porters Grange depends upon whether it is an individual who is isolating or whether it is a class, year group or even the whole school who are sent home.
When Individuals Are Off School
In the event of an individual being off school for COVID symptoms or whilst they await a test result, work will be available via our online learning platform, Seesaw. This can be accessed by visiting www.seesaw.com and logging in using the details provided by your child’s class teacher. If you do not have these details, please email the office on office@pgps.porticoacademytrust.co.uk .
If your child is off school for once day whilst they await the results of a test, there will be tasks available via Seesaw which will help maintain some key skills such as spelling and times tables. If your child is due to be off school for longer, for example as a result of a positive test result in the household, three pieces of work will be made available for them to complete from the second day of their absence. It is essential that they complete this work to stop your child from missing out on their education. If they are not able to access the work because of a lack of a device or internet connectivity, please contact the school on the email address above and we will lend you an Ipad and/or a wifi dongle.
This work should be completed by the end of the school day to enable the teacher to view and respond to the work before the next day.
When Groups of Children Are Off School
In the event that a class, year group or the entire school is sent home, the provision will differ slightly. The children will still access their learning through Seesaw and they will still receive three lessons per day, but one of these lessons will be conducted ‘live’ via Microsoft Teams. The link for these lessons will be shared with the children via Seesaw. No additional login details will be required.
We ask parents and carers to ensure that their children are available for the designated time of their live lessons and to support them where necessary with their work. We also ask that the children join these lessons from a communal room in the house such as the kitchen or lounge.
We all hope that these measures will be rare in their usage, but the reality in which we are living is that COVID is here to stay for the foreseeable future. We must therefore all be prepared to ensure that the children’s learning does not suffer. We thank you for your support.